Caring For Yourself First

Caring For Yourself First

Caring For Yourself first brings Balance to all of life. It’s an Inner Journey that begins with feelings. How do you want to feel? With each choice, attitude adjustment, and action, we create our personal reality. It seems, some choose an external path. Instead of caring for themselves first, they go outside themselves for meaning.…Continue Reading

The Ancient Teachings

The Ancient Teachings

The Ancient Teachings call us back. The Tao, Dharma Sutras, Zen, among others, bring us back to the truths of life. They are the Secrets to living a full, happy, life every day, and especially when healing physically, emotionally, or mindfully. Plus, as I heal and continue to paint with my non-dominant hand, the Secrets…Continue Reading

Life Reduced to 3 Basics

Life Reduced to 3 Basics

Life reduced to 3 Basics, simplifies each day profoundly. My 3 are painting, caring for my body and health, and a daily stream of consciousness writing to let my Spirit Sing. Releasing the old approach, thinking, and responsibilities, opens new doors to consciousness and possibilities. First of all, immersing myself in my own art, expanding…Continue Reading

The Science of Self Love

The Science of Self Love

The Science of Self Love matters more today than ever before. Self Love comes from really knowing ourselves at the deepest level. None of us are the same person we were a year ago. Life changes us in so many ways. Why is self love important? It begins when we realize that our actions strengthen…Continue Reading

Create Your New Heart Home

Create Your New Heart Home

Create your New Heart Home filled with creativity, inner peace, and fun! So many of our past holiday gatherings were ‘have to’s’ in many ways. Let’s switch out the stress for fun instead. First I would switch old traditional ways with a new ‘living from intuition’. Intuition is your heart always talking to you, encouraging…Continue Reading