

Time-Timelessness-The Mysterium: Entering the Unknown Time-Timelessness, is said to be the focus of the new decade. We all thrive on experiences. But which ones are the right ones for us in this limited energy world? Where do you choose to spend your time? First of all, scrolling through social media leaves nothing to show for…Continue Reading

Creativity is A Continuous Rising Spiral

Creativity is A Continuous Rising Spiral

Creativity is a Continuous Rising Spiral of Life Creativity is a continuous rising spiral since we never stop learning, growing, and evolving. First, we start with beginners mind. We are ignited by an idea, a call, that moves us into action. We gather, explore, and lay a plan to move forward in the hope of…Continue Reading

Create Your Personal World

Create Your Personal World

Create Your Personal World for Healthy Balance Create Your Personal World by Doing Art. Being Creative Brings Balance to your body, heart, and soul. When you do art and take the inner journey, you enter the enchanted place of awareness. You are present in every way. This slows down time, tunes you into your feelings,…Continue Reading

3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Artist

3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Artist

3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Artist, Your True Self 3 ways to connect with your inner artist begins with knowing ‘they’ are not ‘you’. Your inner artist is like the essence deep within you that feels fun, light, and ageless. ‘They’ are not of Time and Space. So acknowledging them as ‘The Other’…Continue Reading

Inner Journey to Self

Inner Journey to Self

Inner Journey to Self, Stillpoint Time Inner Journey to Self is Art Time. Find your Self in the stillness after the busy celebrations of rituals, family, and friends. The world seems to pause with days getting longer as the air shifts between winter and breaths of spring. Now our focus must shift, too. It’s time…Continue Reading

Developing Intuition and Trust

Developing Intuition and Trust

Developing Intuition and Trust in your Life and Art Developing Intuition and Trust in your Self is key to being an Artist. This only happens as you Do more art. It’s an enigma. We don’t do art because of so many reasons. We don’t want to waste materials, think we haven’t learned enough, or allow…Continue Reading

3 Ways to Transform Life with Art

3 Ways to Transform Life with Art

3 Ways to Transform Life with Art, A New Year of Living the Artist’s Life 3 ways to Transform life with art begins with Believing in yourself, loving yourself, and being ready to change. You are what you Believe you are. Thoughts rule your actions and make all the difference. 1. First of all, move…Continue Reading

Choose to Live Your Passion

Choose to Live Your Passion

Choose to Live Your Passion this Year Choose to Live Your Passion to transform your life. Your choice today changes your future. Passion gives you focus, commitment, and attitude in all you do. What is your passion? Some passions are short lived. You have an end goal in mind over a couple of months and…Continue Reading

The Body Knows Deeper Mysteries

The Body Knows Deeper Mysteries

The Body Knows Deeper Mysteries The Body knows deeper mysteries. Love, Intuition, instinct, curiosity, awe, inspiration are all felt deeply within our consciousness. Words fall short to explain them. Just as healing is a full body experience taking in all the senses, so too is making art a gateway to another reality. Here’s where we…Continue Reading