Keep Learning and Growing

Keep Learning and Growing

Keep Learning and Growing, especially in Art Keep learning and growing to reengage the passion, energy, and excitement of life. New experiences improve your art, your life, and your confidence. Art is experimenting, touching the unknown, and taking the risk to try an idea you’ve never done before. This puts you in a vulnerable place.…Continue Reading

3 Ways to Thrive as an Artist

3 Ways to Thrive as an Artist

3 Ways to Thrive as an Artist 3 ways to thrive as an artist involve a combination of knowing techniques, holding a healthy belief system, and sharing art with a supportive artistic group. Making and sharing our art is hard, since it’s a personal piece of our Self. It’s our thoughts, our abilities, and our…Continue Reading

Power of Art Shadows

Power of Art Shadows

Power of Art Shadows Lives in this Moment of Time Power of Art Shadows lives in the Present, and I see it clearly as I seek the Shadows of my Life. Shadows are illusive, transient images right now, in this breath. Plus, as the Sun continually moves through space, so do the shadows dance slowly…Continue Reading

Simplifying Art and Life

Simplifying Art and Life

Simplifying Art and Life: 3 Step Solution Simplifying Art and Life has been a challenge lately. Overwhelm seems to be the way of living online, in life, and with people. So stepping away from the hypnotic black rabbit hole gets trickier every day. Also, too many shiny choices, multiple directions, and how-to’s confuse us more…Continue Reading

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude, Everything is what you think it is Attitude of Gratitude, the act of being thankful for whatever comes your way, serves you well. Accepting all parts of yourself, brings balance. This is life. Events just happen, others do their thing, and how you ‘relate’ to these occurrences creates your personal ‘bliss’ or…Continue Reading

Soulful Art

Soulful Art

Soulful Art, Art from the Soul, Needs Space & Time Soulful Art comes from a place deep inside of us. Here lives inspiration, intuition, and original creativity. Plus, our truest self resides here, but we have to create Space and Time for it and each of us to thrive. Soulful Art longs to spread its…Continue Reading