Passion is the Confidence to Expand Yourself!
I recently heard of a woman who ran a large Non-Profit in Washington, D.C., who upon retirement, pursued scuba diving certification. She now travels the world, seeking out new scuba experiences. Possibly it was always on her ‘bucket’ list, a term I really don’t like very much. But this control over her very breath, suiting up in special gear, investing in life saving equipment, exploring the next dive location, following her underwater dream, is her newest Passion.
Then there’s the young 28 yr old Brazilian woman, Maya Gabeira, whose career is surfing the impossible wave! Named ‘indestructible’ by the Encyclopedia of Surfing, she’s not sure what draws her to the next challenging wave. It may be the ‘difficulty, the fear’.
My question is, do we really need fear to find our passion? Must we experience life on the edge of death, to truly feel alive, excited, and passionate? I know for me, my passion comes in the pursuit of the next ‘hopefully’ great painting I may create. Can I do it again? It’s all about overcoming the inner doubt, surging up the inner confidence to give it a try. It’s finding the next new layers of images that push me to the next level.
Many stare at the blank canvas, the next page of the novel, the original new idea, and go blank. Passion is pushing yourself beyond whatever boundaries you’ve created. Immerse yourself in your own Water of creation. Involve all your senses just as any surfer or scuba aficionado. The fences, the walls, are all yours to leap over, to climb, or to walk around, depending on how hard you THINK you have to work to get there. It can be as easy as just doing SOMETHING, starting the work, allowing one small baby step to lead to the next, just to get your energy moving in a new direction.
The competition is always with yourself, with your limiting monkey mind that questions your ability, that compares you to others, that doubts. I’ve always believed you don’t know what you can do until you do it. We’re here to experience life, to try new things, to live fully, enjoying every minute, judging nothing….but especially not ourselves. So DO follow that next scary creative idea, whether it’s learning to snorkel, or experience creating a new work of art. You never know where it will lead you, but it will be mind blowing… Personally For You!

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