Power Animals Impact Your Life

Power Animals Impact Your Life

power animals impact your life
Spirit Fox returned to me in a Big Dream the other day!

Power Animals impact your life when you need them most. The other day, Spirit Fox returned to me in a Big Dream! What makes a dream big? First of all it’s fresh in your mind in full color and details upon awakening. You’re meant to remember this one.

Secondly, in the dream, I knew immediately all that was happening. I was packing up art supplies to go home from college. My Chicago best friend was there as we were saying good-byes.

We all lived in a large house for women on campus. Plus, instead of cats or dogs for pets, we each had a fox. The place was loaded with foxes of every color and age. Kits to adults, red, golden, pale fawn, to silver, all were there together.

I couldn’t find my red fox ‘Nikki’. She’s a master of invisibility. I called & roamed around, knowing I couldn’t leave without her. That’s how I woke up.

Power Animals impact your life in Spirit and Reality: Soul Wisdom

I had done a Spirit Fox painting a few years ago. She, too, was camouflaged deeply in bushes & flowers. I found her and started painting over the foliage, making her appear. She started to return to me. I could sense her cleverness, ability to be present or not, wildness, and deep knowing as she quickly evaluates any situation. She Adapts!

And this was my lesson to remember. To move forward I must adapt to heal, love, and be open to life on every precious day.

Plus, what works on the spirit level, shifts the real world. We found physical tracks of our neighborhood fox all around the house.

Then to my Yikes amazement, as I finished journaling this story for today, I receive a phone call. I had hurt my shoulder and wrist on my painting hand at the end of the year. It wasn’t going away. So yesterday I finally made the decision to see a specialist. Someone had cancelled and I have an appointment tomorrow!

Not prepared, or am I? Fox shows me the way to adapt, or as Stephen Colbert would say, improvise. We’re moving forward at warp speed on this one, and dear fox is here to give me strength. So keep me in your light and hearts. I feel it’s all meant to be.

I’ll keep up as best I can. More at www.awegroup.net.

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