Words to Unite Us, Words to Shatter Us.
In my 22yr career of high school teaching, I often taught Art and English. English was my minor at U of I. I’d focus in on the Power of words and how they affected us. We’d find examples of “propaganda” words as they were called back then. There were Military enlistment words. Words of songs, poetry, novels, and today Twitter and FB would certainly be at the top of the list. Words are more powerful than ever with their global reach.
Some Words are of Do-ing, things we want to accomplish, like ‘connect, create, unite, organize, list, complete, manage, move’. But words of Passion Inspire emotion in either an exciting, enlightened epiphany way, or a deeply wounding to the psyche ‘never to be forgotten’ way! Passion Word Phrases can bring us together in a common cause, or pierce us to the heart so that they can never be taken back. To me, they are Trigger words, goosebump words, bring you to tears, and strike you deeply. They hit the emotional button: ignite the fire, be fiercely _____, vibrantly alive, powerfully ___, courageous, bold, forcefully ____, daring, sacred, ecstasy, ecstatically ____. These words bring up an image in your mind, a feeling of excitement deep in the pit of your root chakra. They get you going in new directions, open doors of potentials. Mine for this year are Ignite the Fire Within. To me it’s about Connecting to what’s new, fun, energizing, interesting, risk-taking, maybe making mistakes, while learning, and growing. They teach me something more about myself. I let my Inner Passion Words direct my doing in the outer world. I connect the inner state of being with the outer ‘reality’ I experience.
Words are a State of Mind and Symbols for Life. Be aware of the words you use and hear, the ones that make you cry, or anger you, as well as the ones that draw you. Many look to the printed word as Truth, a way of life, a way to find a path, a direction, some meaning. Choose the good ones. The direction you look becomes the Life you live.

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