Doing Practical Magic: Practice Creates Mindfulness
Doing Practical Magic means repeating something until we really get good at it. ‘Practicus’, from the Latin, is ‘fit for action’. Therefore after reading about any exciting possibilities, and thinking it to death, Doing something to get you there is what really matters. That’s where life changes and magic happens.
Doing Practical Magic for me in this New Year begins with an iphone meditation app called ‘Waking Up’, by Sam Harris. He has a soothing voice and each day gives a deep focus to train the mind into calmness. Furthermore, I find it makes me more aware throughout the day. I move forward in all I do with confidence and a plan. Very interesting how that happens.
Doing Practical Magic with my class presentations reveals an organization I hadn’t seen before. Suddenly, I’ve found an order beginning with each New Moon’s Story. I see Her place in the Season, and power for that month.
Early Winter- Element Earth
For example, we are now in Early Winter, the North of the Element Earth, sowing the seeds for our Dreams deep within the womb of our Mother. We hibernate like bear, rabbit and snake, grounding and rooting ourselves. Secondly, Setting Intentions takes us deeper to our goals, giving direction for our actions. We turn our goals into Mantras and abbreviated Letters as reminders and triggers to all we want to create in our Perfect Life. Also, Rituals tie us to our ancestors and open us to ancient traditions. Finally Creating Art personalizes this time as we Chart the course of our lives, make Magic Portal Vision Boards, and craft tools like rattles and medicine bundles for the Journey of Now. The ‘Doing’ Crafts a Practice for the year.
Furthermore, the lesson of the New Moon in Earth, opens me to Doing new things. I pause each day to brew tea from the Earth. Something about putting sticks, dried petals, and pods into a nest and steeping for a prescribed amount of time (each tea is different!), makes me mindful of my lineage, my roots. I’ve also added a salt scrub to cleanse and purify my hands every time I wash. Again, an act, a doing, puts me into awareness of the moment.
Therefore, Doing Practical Magic gives meaning to life. My choices empower me. As I stretch beyond my present and train my brain to create new patterns, I’m experiencing life more consciously, more aware of my body and my feelings. As a result, Practice Creates Mindfulness.
You know, we all learn from someone. Information doesn’t just fall from the sky, while step by step creating doesn’t just show up in a dream. When someone creates art based on one of my classes, I’d love for them to share their source. With that in mind, I want to honor my teachers at this time in my life: Maia Toll, Jeff Walker, and Mike Dooley. They keep me on track with Earth Medicine, Intentions and retraining the brain for success. Join us each month, learning New Moon’s Story, setting intentions, experiencing timeless rituals, and creating Art to personalize your story, at Art Journey to the Dreamtime, Mystery School of Art.

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