Protecting Personal Energy in The Field of The World
Protecting Personal Energy is more important than ever in these shifting times. I recall learning to shield, to protect, and to create boundaries. Everything is connected.
First of all, when I first moved to New England, a friend of mine from Chicago, introduced me to a healing circle in Nyack, NY. Every Monday we’d meet to focus group healing energies for a person there. Another time we’d send light remotely to an area of disaster. Sometimes we even held clandestine peacekeeping missions in the Middle East. Protecting Personal Energy was profoundly important.
There’s our ‘within’, our personal energy, often represented by the chakras of Ayurvedic teachings, and the energies ‘without’, belonging to the magnetics and electrical waves of Earth. Hence, ‘Without’ is an intricate Field of everything, every person, plant, creature, thought, and emotion in the World. We are an intricate part of that Field. Furthermore, we ARE the Field, and I know my energy can dissipate quickly out there if I don’t consciously reign it in.
In addition, today we call this ‘The Field’. Scientists measure these electromagnetic centers of power. The two most complex areas are found to be connected: the head and the heart. Plus, our energies connect to the Unified Field, which affects our well-being. Gregg Braden talks of this in a short video, and even has a new book out about this phenomenal new awareness Human by Design.
Protecting Personal Energy starts with my strong intention. Consequently, Energy flows where Intention goes. In my NY group, I learned to scan the Body, to know if my Emotional and Physical Energy was healthy and strong. Intent and Intuition have always been survival skills. Scanning is just like the scanner at the airport, or at a store. As a result, I start at my feet and see a panel of light slowly moving up through my body. Each area has an energy pulse. Intuition will show a darkness in an area, a dimming of a colored chakra, or even a blockage. I believe what I sense to be there. I declare I’m ready to release this energy and see it filling with light. I’ll practice this method until I truly know and feel a lightness in my being.
Furthermore, once cleared, I will throw on a light silvery cloak of protection over my energies whenever I’m out in a group of people, especially in a city, but it helps even at the grocery store. Being an introvert, large groups can dissipate my energy. Energy vampires thrive on draining others dry. So I wear the cloak and like a zip bag, I close the front from the bottom to the top of my head. I can let people in if I choose, but block all the wildness from entering my space. Protecting Personal Energy is easily done.
Finally, try it to see if it works for you. Instead of returning home all drained and tired from the day, see if you feel more energized and full. There are more things in the world that we just don’t understand, and that aren’t in our spectrum of sight or sound. This November New Moon finds us exploring The Colors of our Lives and our Chakra Energy Centers. Join us at Journey to the Dreamtime: Mystery School of Art.

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