A Proven Art Success Path

A Proven Art Success Path

Bloom! Where you are, use what you have, to do the best you can

A Proven Art Success Path Changes Everything. Living the Artist’s Way

A proven success path exists, and works, since that’s the tried & true way taught in many Art Education programs. That’s how I learned at the University of Illinois. Teaching art at the high school level meant learning all the art techniques from Drawing, Painting, Design, and Composition, to Crafts of Pottery, Sculpture, and Fiber Art.

A teacher never knew what program the high school would offer, so had to be knowledgeable in it all. Over the years, I taught everything except Photography. That was often considered Graphic Arts, a whole Major unto itself.

Therefore, that’s how the Dragonfly Monthly is set up. We immerse ourselves in all the basic art elements, and try different techniques and mediums. Focusing on doing, miraculously opens your imagination to how you would do a process.

This is where one’s original art appears. Often surprising, making original art becomes exciting and brings a feeling you want to return to often. It’s pretty amazing how that happens.

Plus, we learn from past Master Artists. This is an age old technique going back to Renaissance times. Students would try to work ‘in the style of’ the famous one, and learn ways to make it their own.

The proven success path has each of us meeting challenges, trying sketching ideas, and developing art in many ways and media, each week. Given in small doses, the more you do, the better you get. Developing Your Style, Your Way over time, is comparable to college studio classes where each technique was done 3 times a week for 3 hours at a time. But at Dragonfly, you decide your schedule and work from your home studio. Perfect!

Dragonfly then gives a contemporary artist and their view of their artist’s life. We learn best from each other. This is also why a supportive private community will bring us all together to share, laugh, and grow. Plus, we Bloom over time, as we reach new milestones and accomplish actions along the art success path. We have a personal measurement of our progress along the way.

Bloom in every way as you grow and expand into your own personal Artist’s Journey. The only competition is with your Self, to Become the Artist you’ve always wanted to be. Join us to get Art Tips weekly and updates about when the doors open to our weekly art program.

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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