I have been fiercely Cleaning Up my Space!
What makes it so radical? When I get rid of old photos that show us all at our worst just because it’s a moment of time, that’s BIG! I’ve found myself donating sentimental clothes I’ve outgrown, recycling stacks of old Arizona magazines that I haven’t looked at for years, disposing of catalogs in case I may buy something, and dumping disastrous memories captured in old photos that just aren’t me anymore. Then this amazing post comes my way from Quinn, a blogger/writer/coach who can sum things up brilliantly, which you can read in its entirety here. There’s a quote I love: “What are you hanging on to that is not supporting the you that you want to become?” It’s like when you are ready, the teacher will come, or the insight will appear, or the perfect experience wakes you up!
Life is changing radically. We each are not the same people we were even a year ago, and so must our surroundings change to keep up with who we are becoming. The painting class I recently took online with Pauline Agnew, gave me new confidence in my art, my work, and expanded my possibilities in so many ways. I really know what I no longer have the energy to do. It’s time to move forward into new territory, and continue to do the things I love, that call to me, that excite me daily. Painting, working with bronze in my jewelry, and creating my New sessions of online classes, Wabi Sabi, which will be all play, are my new Life direction. I believe we each learn about ourselves through the discovery of play, risk, and new experiences. Creativity is the essence of life.
Let go of all the old stuff and go for the Big Dream. Clearing out lets the Universe know you are ready for something amazing to flow in. Life is easy when you aren’t bogged down with clutter. New possibilities are waiting to be discovered. Make room for the new and enthusiastically be open to what moves you with energy and expansion. Do art, re-write your story, sing, paint, dance, follow you heart’s desire today, in small steps, in huge leaps. Don’t even think where it’s all heading, or the end game. Do not let the economy, false beliefs of security, what anybody thinks, or even how to get ‘there’, keep you from moving in the direction of your deepest happiest desires Today. So aim for a radical cleaning out and lighten your load for the brilliant future that awaits.

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