River of Life Is Torrential

River of Life Is Torrential

River of Life can be Fierce Blue Ink painting flowing energy
Blue Flowing Energy

The River of Life Is Fierce. Do I Dare Let Go of the Paddle?

The River of Life is fierce lately. Nothing seems to start out smoothly. As a result, confusion, fear, and frustration initially rise up as knee jerk reactions. These are my usual emotional responses to the ‘are you kidding me’ events in life. I feel like I’m riding a wild river of riptides, boulders, and gullies. The more I try to paddle, the more challenges rise up in the fast paced rapids.

First of all, I take a breath and gather my tools and resources to do what feels right. Doing Art has always been my saving grace. When the river of life hits the whitewater and the mud gets thick, I pull in the paddle and allow the flow of art to take me to a new place. Even there as I take risks, try something new, and continue to grow, I have to immerse myself in the muck before I find the shine, the gold, the jewels of the lotus.

No one says this is easy. The river of life scours away many sentimental artifacts, rips away in raw truth the things you believe you need and count on, as the shoreline shifts and changes. Furthermore, there truly is no going back once this wild river of life roars through. Therefore, we each must mourn our losses, honor and thank them for being in our lives when they were, but then move on, a bit lighter on the journey. We have to, because this changes everything. When we consciously choose to let go of all we knew, and look to the new world emerging, we engage the Magic. Something shifts in the Universe, and somehow, someway, things smooth out in a different way. It’s faith, trust, and True!

I’ve found myself waking up to knowing exactly what needs to be done in this new reality. I suddenly clearly see how everything falls into place. It’s like brilliant colored lights have suddenly been turned on. Pulling out of the muddy river of life, solutions ride in like ‘mist on the tide’. Flashes of full blown, all the pieces in place, perfection appears. I’ll never forget what used to be, even as a new reality flows right before my eyes. If I accept them, new possibilities, new joy, and new experiences will come. Expectations open the doors. Intentions allow the new as I embrace the different.

In the Grand River of Life, art grounds me, paces my thoughts, and allows the flow to return. I mindfully shift have to’s into want to’s. The torrents and riptides smooth out into a stream of peace. I am responsible for my journey. As a result, the river reflects my expectations. There’s always a river of allowing and flow to be found. Find your river of life. Join us in an art practice at Journey to the Dreamtime Mystery School of Art. Work at your own pace, getting a class a month. Here’s another interesting way to develop a practice for dealing with the world’s chaos.

River of life Storyteller ink painting, mixed media gold & blue
My ‘Storyteller’ Ink painting, mixed media

River of life golden valley ink painting
Golden Valley ink painting

2 Responses to River of Life Is Torrential

    • Thanks so much, Carey! I really appreciate hearing from you. It’s been everything from my bank saying they didn’t receive a payment (oh, but they see they did), to my camcorder breaking in an irreparable way (a new one is being shipped!). Hang in there, things seem to work out one way or another.

An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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