Sacred Mountains, the San Francisco Peaks of Northern Arizona, are the Sacred Home of the Hopi Kachinas. The Hopi say that in the ancient past, during a time of great drought, they heard singing and dancing in the Great Mountains. Following the songs, they met a line of Spirit Beings coming down to their village.
Sent from the gods, the Hopi called them Katsinas, holy messengers from above. This first coming marked the darkest time of the year, Winter Solstice. Plus, with the Katsinas, the Sun returned, days got longer, and the Hopi learned how to survive the dark days.
The Katsinas taught them many things about agriculture, ceremonies, and inner wisdom. They stayed for six months, then returned home to their mountain retreat. The Hopi year has revolved around this sacred visitation ever since.
Pilgrimages are made to the mountain regularly to gather fallen cottonwood, used to carve images of their holy Kachinas. Sacred dances and songs recreate their teachings and ways to live. The Hopi wear masks in the dances, representations of each Sacred Being, that when assembled, are given the Breath of Life which transforms them into the Spirits themselves for a brief time.
My connection with the Hopi began with a Big Dream. In it, I was on a college campus, being chased by a square headed radiation mutant. Finally, I got to my room, slammed the door, and then it blew open. There He was, huge, radiating color, light, and power, never to be forgotten! Later, I learned He was a Kachina, bringing me a wake up call.
When I finally went to Flagstaff, I felt the power of these sacred peaks. Their colors shimmer and change with the atmosphere. The altitude shifts everything into magical images. Walking there, the ground seems to shine with turquoise and pinks in 3-D images that float beneath my feet. I’ve painted them often, each time trying to capture their mystical feelings, unworldly colors, and visions of enchantment.
Sacred Mountains hold the Magic of Winter Solstice, Kachinas, and Light.
Back in Chicago, my painting Corn Mother led to an invitation to visit the Hopi Reservation. We lunched with a family there and were honored to be on their roof, as the line of Hopi Kachina dancers solemnly entered the courtyard. Led by Owl Kachina with burning incense, they wore turtle rattles on their knees, decorated costumes, and body markings, as they chanted and blessed the people, homes, and gifts,
Suddenly, One of the ‘Spirit’ dancers pointed to us on the roof. A moment of shock passed, then we ran down to receive our ‘gifts’. We were each given a packet of Sacred ‘bread’, symbolic in so many ways. An honor and a blessing.
All these are holy, sacred, religious acts to honor, remember, and return to the sacred ways. So what ceremonies of Light will you create this Winter Solstice? You can honor the four directions with symbolic talismans, light candles, write dreams for the coming year, and bake special bread to share with loved ones.
Making it special, makes it meaningful, rich, and memorable. It is the return of Light to the world as the Sun shifts its path North, and each of us Consciously fills with light, peace, and love. The Spirit in me honors the Spirit in You. Namaste.

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