Seasonal Transitions, Listen to Your Inner Voice
Seasonal Transitions, can hit hard. We are in Late Winter to Early Spring, a time to pause and tune into our insights of head, heart, and hand. Instead, I was pushing forward to be productive, because that’s what I’ve always done. Yet, Body would have none of it. I should have gone within and asked some simple questions. For Example, was I feeling 100% to enthusiastically create a video? Not quite. Secondly, was my mind clear on which projects to demo and which to keep for a second video? I actually felt more like mired in the Mists of Avalon. Moreover, did the project work smoothly in spite of my feelings? No Way. Everything wrong that could happen, did. Rather, I should have taken a step back right from the beginning.
Seasonal Transitions are a pause in our lives. So, I’m not yet into the blooming new time of growth. Spring hasn’t really arrived here on the ridge yet. The pale sun is shifting to a bit stronger and longer, but it’s still only 38 degrees. In addition, I wasn’t feeling Springtime energized on this day. Had I tuned into the day with my Head, the Thinker, I would have been aware of the high allergy forecast in spite of the temperature. Likewise, my Heart and feelings in the moment were telling me to rest, read Vanity Fair, or play a puzzle. Furthermore, had it been a bit warmer or less windy, I would have walked in the woods. But falling tree branches wouldn’t have helped my disposition. Specifically, I needed down time.
Smooth Transitions
Seasonal Transitions can be smooth both to the body and energy. First of all, engage the senses. Get out the scented candles, incense, beautiful pictures of summer, beaches, and skies to surround yourself in beauty. Moreover, I’ve just read that a clean space creates a clear mind. I started clearing magazines, and something shifted in me that wouldn’t stop. Consequently, I moved from room to room like this, and finally up to my studio. To begin with, paintings were arranged, the table for class was cleared and stations set for the next group gathering. When I do get to making the next video, I know all will go smoothly. Finally, if you can, tune into Nature in some way, plan a garden, or plant some seedlings to direct your focus for healing and re-energizing your body, mind, and spirit.
In the final analysis, be gentle with yourself. That day when the project didn’t work, I ended up taking a 2 hour nap! And I’m Not a nap person! My energy body was calling for a time out. So use this Seasonal Transition to take a pause from the everyday productive self. Focus on your insights from your mind, body, and heart. Clear out your space, you must do list, your connections, and your mind to make room for the new. As a result, wonderful new ideas will birth themselves in their own good time. Use your down time to explore, discover, and experiment with all you love. Clearly, these actions will open new doors of opportunity during this shifting, changing time.
Join us for Journey to the Dreamtime to connect Head, Heart, and Hand each month with Mythic Stories, Rituals and Intentions, as well as an Art Project to manifest your personality.

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