See Your Beauty

See Your Beauty

see your beauty
Moon Over the Ridge, new painting, big sky, new direction/technique, love

See Your Beauty, Share Your Beauty

See Your Beauty in your life. What do you love? How do you live? We each have always been the creator of our own life. Now more than ever, we realize it’s not what’s ‘out there’ that makes us happy. The Truth is what’s in our beliefs, our hearts, and our home. Here happiness thrives if we surround ourselves with what we love.

Begin by decluttering the excess. My excess begins with tabs on browsers. Some things just open new tabs all by themselves. Before I know it, I’m swamped with links, can’t find what I want, and feel like I’m drowning in waste. This can happen online, in the studio, or the closet. Get rid of it! The Universe hates a vacuum and new wonderful things will appear once I clear the space.

Spring cleaning works anytime you need it! We are the ones responsible for making our perfect dream. Seek out your beauty every day.

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. William Morris

Secondly, see your beauty in Nature. I roam the perimeter of my yard. I’ve always done this, even when I lived in a garden apt and my ‘land’ included the driveway where I parked my car. Give me a tree, something green, and anything growing and I’m put in a new place.

I always try to grow seedlings of anything in egg cartons each Spring. It’s a ritual, a passage of time, a celebration. When they make it, I love whatever strange, gangling thing appears. Last year it grew lovely pods. All of nature is my art inspiration.

Thirdly, do something creative. I woke up today with ‘motivation’ on my mind. Don’t get lulled into continually reading or watching someone else’s doing. Take a walk purposefully to find beauty and take photos of it. Interpret your photo with any art products you have. Create a collage, scribble a sketch, or even outline a tracing. Find colors that capture the essence of your beauty. It’s like painting the feeling of a flying bird without focusing on the feathers. Let your hand make your marks of movement, flow, and experience.

I’ve been thinking of Georgia O’Keefe and her flowers blown up huge. Get really close in and see what patterns appear. We don’t have to know what it is. Just paint, draw, or color the lights, mediums, and darks. See the beauty in the pattern. It will get your creative juices flowing. Share what you’ve done and tell us what you think in the comments below.

Also check out my new website, Pat Gullett Designs Dragonfly Art Studio as I work on the back end to create Gateways. It’s coming Soon! Sign up to know when and receive Art Tips every Sunday. Then we can play with art every week!

see your beauty
Garden Buds, capture the essence of them
see your beauty
My interpretation of Garden Buds, lights/mediums/darks

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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