Seeking Sacred Space in Chaos, New Moon of Scorpio
Seeking Sacred Space in Chaos can be daunting. First of all, I have read that the New Moon in Scorpio means embracing all my emotions, especially the ones I don’t want. Furthermore, shifting forces and emotional upheaval happening in politics, weather, and cultures, spread overall feelings of unrest and chaos. As a result, I do what I can. I was the first to vote in the dawn patrol. Something about getting up at dawn, having coffee at 4:30 am, dressing in the dim early hours, creates a unique ritual that sets the day. Ritual plus intention creates Sacred Space for me, always. In addition, to continue in mindfulness, I avoid all polls/predictions/guesses throughout the day.
Seeking Sacred Space in Chaos, I search for focus to write this blog and create samples for the upcoming Saturday New Moon class. All the while carpenters decide this is their perfect time to replace our foyer/hallway/entry closet floor. As old tiles are chipped, crashed, and chiseled away, I create the above ink painting on foamcore to find my way. I take a deep breath, light a candle, burn sage (wonder what the 3 workers think I’m doing up here), and clear my studio of all the feelings rampaging through me. The foyer/hall/closet ‘stuff’ is stacked, tied, and shoved into every corner of the living room. Consequently, I make plans to just have my artistic creatives enter off the back deck, have the coffee machine ready in the kitchen, and keep the dining room path clear for lunch. So I do the things I have power over, and attempt to let the rest go.
In addition, as I finally find out the details of my husbands knee surgery in TWO days, the time of surgery, location, recovery time, and where to get crutches, I see how much I need my gathering of artists. The group fills, grounds, and energizes me. We are creating together, sharing our lives, our art, and our focus. Seeking Sacred Space in Chaos means finding balance and knowing I’m where I’m supposed to be. Also, I must release all that I have no control over as I scan my body and flick off ‘sticky’ energies. I seek flow.
What is your grounding New Moon ritual for seeking sacred space in chaos? New Moon is always a time for creating goals and setting priorities. I draw 4 cards from my Druid Animal Oracle divination deck, to tap into insight of future ‘possibilities’. This ritual I’ve done for years at every New and Full Moon. It’s a wonderful deck with ‘Dragons’! Also, my body and inner landscape hold so much information for me, if I just listen. The collective unconscious that connects us all, gives me images and symbols to enrich my path. Finally, I light a candle to center myself. My intention is to have a fresh start this month, and every month, and clear my space with rattle, sage, and focus. Furthermore, New Moon more than anything, reminds me that everything is a cycle. The wheel of life keeps moving, shifting, and changing, just as I must flow. Also, a bowl of popcorn along the way doesn’t hurt.
I Love Maia Toll! Here in her blog, she tells how she begins any sacred act: She Calls Herself Home. If a New Moon Gathering calls to you, check out Journey to the Dreamtime, Mystery School of Art.

Exactly what I needed to read this morning. Thank you thank you ?❤️
Thanks, Terri. You’re not alone….