Setting New Moon Intentions Creates Power: 5 Ways to Move Forward
Setting New Moon Intentions Creates Power in so many ways. Life shifts, relationships turn, and opportunities arrive when you set your focus on your Personal life changing needs, desires, and dreams.
1. Setting Intentions is always a New Moon ritual. I’ve heard this forever. I begin at the New Moon and review my life at this moment of time. Where would I like to see myself in a month? Sacred Space is created here to view my creativity, finances, relationships, and overall life goals. Intent initiates energy, focus, and movement. Next, I make a list of baby steps I can do today to accomplish my New Moon Plan. This becomes a daily practice for my morning journal.
2. Setting New Moon Intentions keeps me on track when the chaos hits. There are times when everything seems out of my control. First of all, carpenters may decide they can fit us into their schedule to tear up the floor the week before Thanksgiving. Another possibility is that the light on the dashboard of my car is on, or even worse, blinking like an emergency strobe. Thirdly, a loved one may be squeezed in for surgery, and a cane may be needed. Things like these tend to shake a person’s foundation!
3. Setting Intentions in a written list is major. When I’m distracted by all that ‘needs’ to be done, I can return to my personal, inward goals. Furthermore, my list brings me back to Me. I’m able to balance my inner and outer life with meaningful accomplishments to keep my life on track. I don’t feel so overwhelmed since I have an action plan to implement for what I really want. Therefore, intentions are solid, positive, and beautiful.
4. Setting New Moon Intentions creates power with confidence and enables me to move forward with purpose. While the energy flow grows greater in the two weeks leading to the grand Full Moon, I’m able to prioritize and nourish my seedling desires. What excites me, creates passion, and engages my soul? How can I pull out of stickiness and make things right? At Full Moon, I totally disengage the old baggage that keeps me back. I declare my new intentions and literally write and burn the old, sending them off in peace and love. The old no longer serves me.
5. Finally, setting intentions moves my body into Action. When I move forward, the Universe joins me in creation. There’s Magic afoot here. I can see my greatest gifts manifesting in unique ways. I feel renewed and rejuvenated. In conclusion, Intentions set my inner guidance system on alert, opening new doors, and leading me to new lands. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose! New Moon is a time of New Beginnings.
Join us at our New Moon Art Journey to the Dreamtime Classes. Create art from your soul each month, working at your own pace, at the Mystery School of Art. Learn how to use many forms of media in videos to find your own favorite means of expression. Each New Moon gives a different focus on Spirit.

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