Shift in Perspective begins as a subtle feeling. It’s hard to describe, but you know things are changing. First, it happens within you, and like the painting above, it feels as though you are stepping out of a cave. Light starts to glimmer, heaviness peels away, and life opens up to you in New Ways of seeing, feeling, and living.
Then I read, ‘How can you feel amazing today?’ What a great thought. It invokes wonder, surprise, and all that’s New. So I started adding amazement, alive, adventure, and wonder to my morning affirmations. Next to gratitude for all in my life, come ways to thrive today. I want today to be special, spectacular, and filled with memorable beautiful moments.
I see that I’m seeking balance in this painting. There’s still unknowns to experience, risks to take, but those are the things that bring extraordinary events into my life. They may be small, but can make such a different, interesting life.
For example, we take photos recording our journey. None of them have both of us in them. Then a woman came up to us & said, ‘Would you like me to take a picture of the two of you together?’ Of course, Yes, Please, this is Great. We had forgotten all about our wish to do just that!
Then my daughter, who sends me interesting reels, sent one of fantastic, life size, Lego Star Wars characters. We were there just last week, but missed all this. Going Back was like an entirely new experience as we found this treasure of Magic.
New information changes everything. Even trips that you have done before become new. It’s like the old is going Poof, disappearing, as new experiences open up in surprising, wonderful ways.
Shift in Perspective comes from consciously Doing.
Nothing changes until you do. Doing creates Magic. The surprises of life can’t be planned, but you can set an intention to live a more Amazing and Alive day today. Then see what happens. Also, seek what’s New for You. See life with Fresh eyes.
Therefore, some discover a new destination, while others take an online course in something fascinating. What you do doesn’t matter as much as Doing with an open heart. Trust in your inner wisdom, and play again. Wander a bookstore/library and see where it takes you.
In addition, set your sites on enriching you inner wisdom, igniting new passion, and actually Doing something that creates your new world. Explore, be the navigator seeking adventure, and trust the Universe to bring the right people, events, and amazing experiences your way.
Also, this brings balance into your world, as well as great feelings. Journal about it. Or, create art that reflects your day, your feelings, and shifts in perspective. Finally, start with curiosity, then allow it to flow into a new way of living. Find fun and play again, not seeking any specific outcomes. See where life takes you on a New journey this day. Who are you Becoming?

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