Sign Up Today: Journey Online Lessons Available Now

Sign Up Today: Journey Online Lessons Available Now

New Moon Magic Rabbit

What Ignites your fire? What Lightens you Up? What Calls to your Heart & Brings you Alive?

Journey to the Dreamtime Online is up and running! I feel as though I’m meeting up with forever friends on these first days of Spring. We’re so done with the Old, and ready for the New. Play has a new definition: experimenting, exploring, discovering, taking risks, Doing fun, finding easy, enjoying, gratifying, Being with my Best Friends ever. Here we can find ourselves, be who we were meant to be, and know that the new ‘work’ is Play. Join us and receive the first New Moon lesson, with a new one sent each month. Be Motivated, Inspired, and the Creative you’ve always been in your heart. Join us. Leave your baggage at the door and enter a sanctuary to find yourself, and become the Maker, the Creator of your Life. Find your Strengths. Know yourself.

Journey to the Dreamtime is a whole new approach to creativity. This is the Art of Living made manifest. You begin with lessons on finding your own personal vocabulary to make feelings visible. Videos and insights engage you in entertaining ways. Most important, you create beauty, time, and space for your personal sanctuary. You become the Maker, the Do-er, the Explorer experiencing first hand amazing insights, personal triumphs, and direction for each new cycle.

Start something Spontaneous and New. Get Flow moving in your life. Be willing to try the exercises to manifest Magic. Engage with others, attend to new ideas, create intentions and really be with a group in a creative way. There are no rules, all is easy, and you can have it all.

We begin at the New Moon, the Beginning of each Movement, as we flow into the Full. We build our creations and complete our cycle as the waning moon takes us back to the New. It’s a wonderful, natural, flow of Nature to put us in sync with Earth and her cycles. Nothing lasts, but all keeps changing, ebbing, and flowing with energy in the Natural river of life. Balance the demands of life with inner awareness.

Gift Yourself with a Monthly Subscription. Lifetime access, work at your own pace. Do what you love Your Way. What would life look like if it was easy?

Live near me around western Connecticut? Come to my Studio at each 2nd Saturday of the month. A few spaces left for April 14.

Priestess Of the New Moon

New Moon of New Beginnings

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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