Six Steps to Creating Intuitive Art

Six Steps to Creating Intuitive Art

The Escape

Six Steps to Creating Intuitive Art

Six Steps to creating intuitive art brings you into your heart center. Following this path brings you home. This is the land of deep healing, self trust, and more courage and clarity. This is where I want to create art every time.

1. Accept that everything is changing, and that’s to be expected. Especially when it comes to your art. Artists are visionaries, and when you are true to the process, the art shifts with life. Be gentle with yourself and accept change. Create something even without inspiration.

2. Acknowledge that New habits take you to your inner guide. The best place to find answers is within your soul, instead of outside sources. Your heart intuition, and your gut survival instincts, have the same cells as your brain. They learn, grow, and connect to each other. All your answers are there. Trust them. It doesn’t matter what the world is doing, your inner guidance system will tell you your truth.

3. A third step to creating intuitive art is knowing that doing art is the inner journey to balance the outer world. The inner landscape holds our power. Being the artist at lease 3’xs a week creates a practice. Plus, you develop a rhythm that your consciousness and body count on to feed your soul.

4. Art gives you a focus. Meaningful art draws upon your life. Every time you enter your studio space, you bring in memories, emotions, conversations, and images from the world. Leave them at the door. Your sacred space should be the filter to keep out the noise as you open to the spacious timeless place to create. In addition, consciously make your personal space your safe haven.

5. Choose art as an essential component to be nourished. Art creates the good body chemicals to release stress, pain, and sadness. You are in charge of having a healthy body, mind, and soul. Opinions shouldn’t create upsets in your body. Look to how things feel to find your direction.

6. Intuitive art flows. Creating from your intuition touches deep questions about your life, feelings, and beliefs. Do art to keep moving forward. You don’t want to know where you’re going. Instead, experience this now moment of power. Today is all that matters in life.

7. Join our Mentorship Community at Dragonfly Art Studio for art inspiration, art directions, and shared ideas along the way. This is a heart to hand connection, where feelings can be expressed creatively for balance, discovery, and self awareness. Get unstuck.

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