Solstice Moon: Practice the Art of Living

Solstice Moon: Practice the Art of Living

Solstice Moon
                                                                 Solstice Moon

Immerse yourself in every creative act since it is a moment of your life.

Do not rush through the holiday season as though it’s just a list to be checked off. As you rush through ‘To do’s’, you rush through life. Savor every experience. The act of decorating the tree can be a ritual, filled with good memories of Christmas’ past, ornaments given as gifts, and the assemblage of a unique, epic work of art never to be exactly duplicated again. Wrapping gifts is another amazing opportunity to made a creation meaningful for the receiver. Writing out the Christmas cards is a chance to remember each family, each person and wish them well for the New Year. Baking the cookies, roasting the dinner are all individual special gathering times never to be repeated in quite the same way. Be mindful of each opportunity to make a good memory, and you practice the Art of Living.

Create a treasure trove of beauty to add to your legacy. Be the smile in someone’s day, the laughter shared in the moment, and the secret Santa to the next person in line. Slow down, be aware of life all around you, since happiness is not a place, thing, or person, but a realization that you have the free will to experience life as you choose and to think as you desire, in a huge, magical World of delights.

Happy Holidays and warm wishes for a wonderful Solstice Experience!!


Print of Solstice Moon available on Etsy:

New cards of Path of Three Ravens available here:


An EPIC Christmas Tree
An EPIC Christmas Tree

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