Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom

Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom

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Anam Cara, Soul Friends

Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom Soul Memory, Anam Cara, Shares Your Innermost Heart

Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom, the Souls memory, has been beautifully and mystically written about by the late great Irish writer John O”Donohue. His ‘Anam Cara’ take us deep beneath the surface of life, beauty, love and friendship. First of all, this is an intense feeling, a profound knowing I’ve held within the fiber of my Being. I’ve had connections with certain souls that run deeper than can be explained in just words.

Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom I see clearly as my parents didn’t just train me for life. They stood back and created a space for me to find myself, encouraging me to grow and develop my talents and loves. Besides love, I received a sanctuary to call my own. They gave me all I wanted, while providing all I needed. Their commitment to me carried in rich daily conversations, in feelings of security, and attention to my creativity, nourishing my spirit/mind/body health.

Secondly, Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom knows a deep everlasting bond that supports and encourages the best in each other. My brother Jim is certainly my soul-friend in every way. Even though he’s crossed over to the other side, I still feel his presence, his thoughts, and his support in all things. Born on my birthday, we were always kindred spirits in love with history, artifacts, and secret knowledge of past civilizations. Anything I needed, he gave me. His was a generous heart, a bright light shared in my life.This is a love deeper than ‘love’.

Thirdly, Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom sees that ‘Love is ancient recognition’. I felt this when I first met my husband. He knew immediately we had a deep connection unlike any other. While I cautiously moved forward, I felt this stronger than just friend link between us. Even today, I feel what we have is more than just a ‘marriage’. It feels as though we arranged this life together before birth. We have a grand plan of togetherness, an identity together that is more than just our ‘story’.

Finally, I’m so blessed to share this connection, this beauty, this love with some in Chicago, and strongly with my New England people. My gathering of artists at New Moon, though of all ages and lifestyles, holds a mystical bond that we cherish. Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom understands the body is the angel of the soul, as we hold respect, sacred space, and artistic passion for each other in all we do. Our group moves forward through the year in beauty and joy for each other, knowing the passionate heart never ages.

Hear the beautiful words of John O’Donohue in his last interview as his speaks of the inner landscape of the soul. His mystical book of wisdom ‘Anam Cara: A book of Celtic Wisdom’ still offers profound insights on love, solitude, friendship, love and death. Read about his beliefs in friendship as a very special form of love and necessity at the brilliant Brainpickings by Maria Popova. And lastly, remember you’re welcome to join Journey to the Dreamtime Mystery School of Art anytime throughout the year. Get a full year of connection each month at the New Moon. We’d love to have you!

soul-friend ancient mystical wisdom alcohol in gather painting
Gathering of Souls, ancient magic
soul-friend ancient mystical wisdom connection to life

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