Soul Wisdom, Natural Born Flame of Life
Soul Wisdom is our Natural Approach to Life. We are born with it. Furthermore, it’s the personal medicine that intuitively guides our path. We seek it through others, hoping it will be revealed in their eyes. We try to give it form through our art, words through our journaling, or achievement in our personal best. But our True Self, our Voice, our secret magic identity can be elusive.
One man I know has named it ‘success’. Being successful would reveal his best self. For this reason, in his heart, he knew wealth, quality of life, and enriched experiences would naturally come. Above all, His path was unique to himself. He followed his intuition, ignoring the advice of those grounded in ‘the system’. His inner voice allowed him to create a new path, unlike any other. Plus, it all worked better than he ever imagined.
Soul Wisdom for another young man I know, is helping others. In addition, as he improved the lives of others, his inner peace, joy, and knowing himself, thrived. His advanced education and numerous on the job experiences, have opened doors to serving the world. Therefore, as the recognized expert in IT, Policy, and Law, he’s raising the status of life, laws, and quality for us all.
Soul Wisdom strengths don’t always have a label. For example, one woman tried the career laid out by society, but it negatively impacted her body. However, her flame of creating beauty and harmony in all parts of her life, led to new learning. Yoga, nutrition, and physical therapy opened a new world of Self awareness. She’s learned to create in a healthy way. Her Flame burns bright.
My Soul Wisdom revealed itself by choosing to face my fears. Doing the scary thing, instilled inner strength and confidence. Therefore, I learned there are no wrong choices, just choices. Make one, if isn’t smooth going, shift and make the next one. Plus, I have vanquished many a demon, and embraced my Dragon of power, over and over again. As a result, I’ve always found ways to make things work. That even surprises me! I never doubted my abilities. Going to a huge University at age 17, being a single parent, always landing the next job, paying all the bills, caring for my Mom at home in hospice, staying healthy through it all, made me stronger. Here my fulfillment lies.
What is your Soul Wisdom in this one beautiful life? After all, it is ‘only’ a life, yet it’s the only life you’ll have in this time, with these people, with these choices. Where does your fulfillment lie? Your Voice, your signature, is your gift to the world.

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