Soulful Art, Art from the Soul, Needs Space & Time
Soulful Art comes from a place deep inside of us. Here lives inspiration, intuition, and original creativity. Plus, our truest self resides here, but we have to create Space and Time for it and each of us to thrive.
Soulful Art longs to spread its wings in spaciousness. Without distractions, art from the heart plays, explores, risks, and learns from experiments and experience. In addition, there’s a vastness that allows all marks, strokes, and materials to have validity, personal meaning, and a place in the creative process.
The World out there, the dark emotions of anger, self criticism, judgement, or doubt restrict us in every way. We can’t move when stressed or in survival mode. Our Truest Art cannot live in this constricted place. We stop doing art ‘because’ the time and space disappear. So that’s why creating a time for art, and a sustainable habit of doing art is of major value to our health, emotions, and life.
Step away from the World, because that’s not who you really are. People have been doing this for thousands of years. Meditation, Yoga, dance, engaging the body, music, Shaman journeys, all can take you there. Our way is Practicing Art. The inner you, the creative, brilliant one, connects with consciousness, lives in mindfulness, and loves you dearly. Transformation appears with daily practice. Moreover, you can only really connect when you follow the love.
Learning Art Techniques is the Foundation of an Art Practice, and the first step on the journey of self-discovery. Art is more than techniques. Join us to explore, play, and experiment in Drawing, Painting, Pastels, and Mixed Media. Your stories, passion, and creativity through art get to the heart of your Truest Self. Bring together body, mind, and soul. Foundation of Art 30 Day Course.

This particular message is so timely. Thank you. On another note, when do you anticipate the launch of the course?
Soon! Working with the Dragonfly Club on FB, I see I must add an element to all we do in the course: working with the inner critic. There are many ways to do that & I want to cover a few of them. It will be a strong course in many ways. This is the place to be to know the latest about the launch. Thanks for being here Carey!