Messages from the Universe are Everywhere.
Ravens are everywhere. They quickly fly past my ‘treehouse’ studio, as I just catch the glint of blue black out of the corner of my eye. They fill the trees, watching as I put out any leftovers, or better yet, a treat of dog biscuits just for them. They alert the neighborhood when Hawk or the rare daylight siting of Owl, fox, or bobcat occurs. They appear in dreams.
When I go to create something new, I wear my TaosEdge dragonfly tee, found here, and my raven pendant by Texas artist Bill Worrell, with more about him here . They are my precious, sacred to me, totems at this time. I just had to paint this Spirit Raven, with our forest appearing through her, creating a transcendent feeling that I have for these mystical winged creatures.
The Universe constantly sends us messages through symbols. As Danielle LaPorte says, “The universe is communicating with us all the time–the trick is to make it a two-way conversation”. See her thoughts here. Ask for signs and pay attention to what you see/hear/feel.
Signs come to me in songs as I write this, in letters/ads/gifts in the mail, in books I randomly open, in raven dreams that wake me with a loud door slamming ‘in my dream’. It’s like wake up and remember!! I’m on the right track.
Shamans have looked to the messages from animals, plants, and earth for thousands of years. These things carry very specific medicine filled with personal insights to find your way. The images found in stones, the movement of mist along the earth, the appearance of animals through the brush, all hold deep meaning to the path of the viewer. If you alter an image in the dreamworld, you alter your path on earth.
For centuries, ravens have been associated with prophecy, protection, healing, initiation, shifts in consciousness, and messages between heaven and earth. They are clever, imitate any words or sounds, use tools, and learn to solve complicated step by step puzzles created by researchers. I love the explanation in the ‘Medicine Deck’, by Jamie Sams & David Carson, that ravens are ‘the bringers of magic’. Magic is just that which is unknown to us so far. It’s the deep inner landscape, the source of all creation. It’s the inner journey into the void, that we manifest into the light with Art. Seek your earth signs for direction and focus today.

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