Summer Impressions immersed me into the beauty all around me. And then I remembered reading a Maia Toll quote of no longer seeking something to fight for, but instead, shifting to discovering something to LIVE for! The treasure is the thing that gets us going every morning. The action is fun, full of passion, and creates another 5 Star day to experience. This is the path worth living that gives us meaning and purpose on a personal level.
So I began by going outside and seeking the impressions of my world. I took pictures, wrote about everything I saw, and breathed in the lush scents of the woods, flowers, and sweetgrass. I wrote about the deer in the yard, the hawk circling overhead, and the dragonfly that landed on my notebook. But the Sky kept calling me back. Therefore, my purpose became interpreting these impressions on canvas.
Art has always given meaning to my life. The movement, power, and flow filled my body, showing the mark of the maker. Then, I did my two brush simultaneous technique and painted over a used canvas. My feelings, colors, and energy just kept filling the painting as the sky overpowered the land. Clouds, darks, lights, lavenders, and many blues danced together down to the water below. Plus, I love not thinking, and just painting.
Summer Impressions opens the door to many forms of creativity.
But, there is a second passion, making jewelry, to balance out the freeflow painter. Here I become the Alchemist, transforming metals from my invisible ideas, into material objects. Even being away from this creative process, I find the doing triggers body memories of how it’s done.
Jewelry is more planned, and precise, with step by step guidelines for creating a successful work of art. Here the inspiration for me has always come from ancient texts, moon phases, the sun, tribal patterns, animals, and earthy beads and gemstones.
I don’t have a team, so each piece is filled with my energy and intent, making them powerful totems, talismans, and amulets. In addition, I am the Magician, using the air of dreams to create the fire of creation into Magic. Each is a symbol of my Soul Self, that is worn, carried, and held with meaning.
Also, making Art connects me with my ancestors, and to times when everything was made by hand with meaning. Beauty was wrought into every fabric, utensil, bead, tool, inscription, and sky map. Everything had a purpose and was filled with the power of the maker.
Our treasure of purpose and meaning needs these things to thrive. First the dream idea, then the actual creation of the piece of art, and thirdly, the sharing with the world. These gifts are meant to be shared, experienced, and evolved within each of us.
This is the passion that starts the day. Here is the success of something to Live for. The artist becomes the Navigator between the light of the Heavens, and the substantial World below. These two ways give purpose and meaning to my life each day. They are souvenirs of my journey through life. What gives you meaning and something to live for each day? Where does your passion thrive?

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