Summer Solstice Full Moon When Wishes Become Intentions

Summer Solstice Full Moon When Wishes Become Intentions

Medicine Bundles filled with Intentions, Hopi Ways

Summer Solstice Full Moon: 5 Intentions to Empower Your Self

Intentions are Power. While wishes belong to the realm of birthday cakes, candles blown out, presents given because you are worthy. Wishes are as ephemeral as thin clouds on a summer day, blowing in the wind. Intentions on the other hand, are rooted deep in the world. Most of all, Intent is strong, powerful, and makes things happen. Intentions hold a force behind them that comes from deep within, grounded like a magical rabbit, filled with confidence like the Great White Buffalo Tatanka. Imagination is the beginning of creation.

‘You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.’ George Bernard Shaw

Futhermore, Intention is the Will moving you forward in life. It is positive, active, and empowers you to become the Doer in all things. A declaration of Intent makes the body respond actively yet creates an inner calm. A decision has been made and now it’s all moving forward. Time for Action! You have to step out of the safety zone  to make things interesting.

1. INTEND YOURSELF YOUR NEW STORY. First of all, Imagine you as your future self, already there, enjoying the good life, passionately engaged in your new life. Write it, say it out loud. Your body & soul are always listening to you. Intentions are Solid, Positive, Beautiful. ‘i’m a best selling author and artist living in my gorgeous beach house with money flowing in easily in a 6 figure monthly income”. WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? Or, ‘I’m a healthy, happy, millionaire author, artist, and guide touring Paris, Rome, and London.’ WHAT’S THE GOAL? BE SPECIFIC WITH WHERE, WHO, WHAT SENSUAL DETAILS. It’s already happened as far as the Universe is concerned. Feel that great passion rise up.

2. CREATE A MANIFESTATION INTENTION JOURNAL. Another idea is to start each day with a mediation to bring in the light, be thankful for 3 things right now, and Declare/Intend 3 things to allow me to THRIVE today. Sometimes at night I’ll declare I will know my Intentions Clearly when I wake up. Allow your dream body to create for you. Daily write down AT LEAST THREE POSITIVE ACTION STEPS you can do Today. Also, Write unexpected things that may lead to the bigger picture. Synchronicity is your sign it’s working. JOURNALS are your star guide compass. 

3. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH SOUVENIRS OF THE JOURNEY. In addition, Our art reminds us of our goals, our intentions. Art is the symbol of our heart’s desire, a trigger to keep the focus. Put Yourself in your Dream! The pictures, notes, images of you on the beach postcard to your Soul. This is your end game, and never forget it.

4. DO RITUALS TO ENGAGE YOUR SOUL. Most noteworthy is that We make medicine bundles filled with our intentions, our future self, that we are experiencing in the now. We write our intentions, add with sacred tokens of our dreams, for powerful talismans to guide us. It grounds our intentions in Mother Earth.

5. REALLY RELEASE ALL BLOCKAGES ONCE AND FOR ALL. Finally, INTEND TO love and accept yourself, allowing all others on their path. Resentment, hurt, grudges, despair only hold you back. Forgive, Be Sorry, and Say I Love You Daily….(especially to yourself for holding onto any old stuff that no longer serves you). Let it go and Be Free! You’re a different person now.

In conclusion, Intentions are our inner guidance system working at peak performance. Seems like All you intend must happen. Wishes are candle smoke. Hence Intention is Action. All happens in it’s own good time, but trust that the Universe is setting the gears in motion and you will see results. Therefore, this is the Magic of your passion at work. This is making a difference. Most of all, Intent reveals your greatest gifts and takes you to the next level.

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