Summer Solstice Power of the Full Moon, The Sweetest Moon of All
Summer Solstice Power presents the Full Strawberry Moon, also known as the Mead Moon, or the Honey Moon. The month of June brings weddings, romance, love, vacations, celebrations, and graduations in every form. In addition, this is the time of the long pause as the Sun balances in the shifting phase from Spring to Summer. Plus we all need to take a much needed deep breath, step back, lost in time moment. This should be the nurturing, laughing, gathering cycle of life. We need the beach!
Instead, I’ve found this to be the MOST intense week I’ve had in years! In the middle of learning how to set up a membership site with Tribe, my head was too full. I felt numb. But, this is the implementation week, the specific time to get caught up. Plus, all the info is great. Often mind boggling, but truly an eye opening experience of how this works. In addition, I really do like it. Yet, my body was calling out for balance. So the above painting was born.
Also, Summer Solstice Power brings out all the Wisdom of the Ages. I usually don’t follow astrology too closely, but this fell into my life. All the planets are creating an intense, urgent, pressure cooker time now. That got my attention. But, hang in there, because it will also create stability long into the future. So there’s light at the end of the tunnel! Feeling intense, overwhelmed, and have a full head? Read the whole story.
Above all, call in your Tribe. Get support from your people. For this reason, I reached out and seeds were planted. Amazing clarity started to settle in while perfect alignment shifts into place. I have a lot to do to get it going, but I don’t feel like the deer in the headlights anymore.
All in all, at this powerful energy time, I wish you the virtual Beach, free time, deep breaths, and clarity. At least this Friday, with Summer Solstice celebrations happening around the world, take the day off. Then indulge yourself with beauty, love, and play time. Moreover, Create something from your soul. Above all, step back from duties. Life will go on while you play. I promise!
Do your Self a favor! Return to the true purpose of making Art: personal self expression. Feed your Soul! Furthermore, this is your Story, your Mark, your Life. Plus, doing Art is coming home. Find your true Self again with simple, fun monthly art projects, resources, and bonus surprises. Sign up to my new, in progress, Dragonfly Art Studio membership site Wait List. Join us for the latest info and to be a part of its creation. I’d love to have you.

Lovely Pat, thanks, I needed this this week. Seems like such strange times planetwide and your reminder of connecting is spot on! ❤️?
I’m so glad we can connect here, Terri! We do better together. Thanks for your lovely words. Keep creating. Your personal mindset balance is all that matters.
Much love,