The Ancient Teachings

The Ancient Teachings

ancient teachings
Sea Lights, phosphorescent glowing algae lights the path to shore

The Ancient Teachings call us back. The Tao, Dharma Sutras, Zen, among others, bring us back to the truths of life. They are the Secrets to living a full, happy, life every day, and especially when healing physically, emotionally, or mindfully.

Plus, as I heal and continue to paint with my non-dominant hand, the Secrets give me a clear path to follow. I always begin with ‘Beginners Mind’. This day is here to ‘Have Fun’. My painting slows way down, I have to concentrate more, as right hand gives it its best shot.

Along with this, ‘Stay Curious’ keeps us experimenting, and trying new ways. Everything become Play again.

Also, righty doesn’t let me wander or I’ll end up with a mess. I must ‘Live in the Now!’ Be in the present moment.

Shamans say Now is your moment of power. Too often we drift into past thinking, or future what-ifs. One is done, while the other may never happen. No power there.

Thirdly, I ‘Never Stop’ my forward path. Getting stuck in doubt or emotions doesn’t solve anything. I know people who seem to be so angry. That’s where they want to stay. They defend it! But it hurts them in the long run. It stresses the immune system, your body, heart, and soul.

‘Letting it go’ is Big. Obsessions in thoughts or habits don’t open us to new possibilities. Whether it’s past wrongs we hold onto, irritating people we try to change, or just fixing injustices in the world, surrendering it into the fires of rebirth, allows us to see with Fresh Eyes. This changes everything.

Where we focus our intentions, creates energy in our body that radiates out to the world. We either create more of the same emotions and problems, or we shift to see and heal in a new way.

Next, see all as doing the best they can with what they’ve got. I believe we all come from Angel Families. When someone is really different, not reacting like me, then they are just from a different Angel Group. We all come from the same source; we’re just on separate paths. But, accept that it’s their path, and again, let them go.

The Ancient Teachings Light the Way

Additionally, just as the magical glowing algae in the sea opens the path to the shore, the ancient teachings open to our inner world. ‘Stay Creative’: making art, writing, gathering nature objects, or shooting photos of beauty, all touch our intuition. These feed our souls with inspiration, insights, and peace.

I saw these wonderful mystical glowing algae on the beach in Puerto Vallarta! We went to watch the fireworks and were amazed by the flowing luminescence in every wave. They are often seen in the wake of large ships, taking traveler’s home to shore.

The Secrets can be found anywhere. Here’s one yoga instructor- dog lovers way to the Secrets of Life that he sees in his dog Belle. A wonderful read.

Join me at Pat Gullett Designs to see more art that keeps me on track. Have a great day!

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