The Home of Truth & Love

The Home of Truth & Love

Candlewood Lake, Ct. Full Moon Day, art apps, July 19, 2016
Candlewood Lake, Ct. Full Moon Day, art apps, July 19, 2016

Everyone has an agenda, and it’s Very Personal

Overwhelm is easy these days. In a world of too much world news given immediately, every angry, fearful person deemed newsworthy, every violent act exploited as must see viewing, we each personally must take a step back and view the life we have created before us. The world doesn’t need another screamer blaming others of negativity, nor another bully, bullying the bully either verbally or in writing.

Beyond your senses lies a inner place of calm. Choosing to focus on what you really have control over…YOU, versus all that you have no control over, shifts emotions from chaotic to the inner sanctuary. Cliches are often so true: to create peace, be the peace. What brings you back to yourself?

Deeper than the senses lies the land of the Heart. This is the home of intuition, instinct, truth, trust, love, compassion, and common sense. No walls or fences separate us here. Where truth and love live, there can be no fear. Here is the home with all our answers, a compass for a life well lived in our own personal agenda. Here lies the path to finding ourselves, making wise choices, and taking our own counsel. What does your Heart tell you?

My art takes me there, and yours can, too. If you must do the angry, art therapy thing first, keep at it until it evolves into the beauty of life…nature, love, moons, sunsets, colors & flow. Find your path back to Source, and stay as long as you like every day. It’s the truly Human with Spirit way to live.

Forest Glen, art apps, 2016
Forest Glen, art apps, 2016

Marina, Watch Hill, RI, art apps, classes are available thru the summer,
Marina, Watch Hill, RI, art apps, classes are available thru the summer,

4 Responses to The Home of Truth & Love

  1. If we would all reach to the well of truth, love and wisdom within us before judging and reacting to what is going on around us, we would find ourselves living in a heart-centered world where there would be no blame and retaliation; where love and peace would prevail. Just imagine!

  2. What great calming, lovely words for these times. You are such a true spiritual teacher and artist. Thanks for your truth and the encouragement that brings a relief, a fresh breeze to my life to be and live my truth thru art.

An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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