The New Year of Light

The New Year of Light

the new year of light ocean big sky waves upon the shore
Winter Light

The New Year of Light is about living a meaningful life. Here good memories are born. Light is clarity, direction, and new insights about our innermost soul. Begin with the intention to create more meaning into your life. Like the painting above, new ideas begin pale and soft, but gradually grow brighter and stronger day by day.

First of all, eliminate the busywork. Busywork is a long way away from Life’s Work. It’s boring, mundane, and has no value in the big scheme of evolving and nurturing your soul. Furthermore, you don’t value it. Anyone can do it. So ask what fills you? What can you let go of today, in your daily life, that holds no meaning for you?

I see this in artists who create art to sell, versus art that holds a power for them. An artist must Create to try new techniques, expand their knowledge, and be more masterful in creating.

Secondly, ask yourself how you can shift, change, or reinvent any of the usual things you do each day. What would spice up the doing to make it different, interesting, and even add a new learning experience to it? You are here to grow and evolve, and that doesn’t happen unless you try new things, take a risk here and there, and stretch yourself out of your comfort zone. Taking a chance, doing the unknown, is the best way to open new doorways, discover new talents, and meet new people.

The New Year of Light is exciting. What excites you?

Thirdly, a meaningful life thrives on passion and enthusiasm. What excites you? I’m excited to still see the Moon at 8 a.m. I follow her phases and put her in art whenever I can.

What enlists more of your senses? Walking in nature is a surefire way to get the juices flowing. Start looking for beauty all around you, locally, in the little things. Seek the gold nugget hidden in the mud.

Take pictures of close up colors, textures, and groupings that attract your eye. Not thinking too much about it, let intuition guide you on this photo journey and give you some images to work with back home. Also, let ideas flow over you, search nature art for ideas, and bring back some found bits of stone and wood, leaf and berry, to arrange and live with in your studio.

Next, keep a record of your interesting thoughts and images for inspiration. Being happy with yourself, and satisfied with your life, is a combination of creating things you love, feeling you are contributing to the beauty of the world, plus a satisfaction that you are growing and evolving along the way. Plus, you become more knowledgeable and expand your world. It’s manifesting your unique soul in the life you lead. Life makes sense as you serve a larger purpose. Your piece of the puzzle is special, and becomes a valued part of your legacy.

Finally, how can you make more sense of your life each day? What is meaningful to your inner growth and enrichment. Our gift to the world is not serving others as much as it is loving ourselves in all our imperfections. Also, discover your roots, your talents, and your loves, that are unlike any other human being. What drives you, ignites your passion, and sets you apart from everyone else?

So enjoy this new year of light. Return to your roots and love the pure, inner, angel spark of soul that you came in with at birth. In addition, intend to be more mindful and do only the things that excite and enrich you. This will bring more meaning and memories to all facets of life. Always ask, ‘What is meaningful to me today?’

Be inspired with some art videos! Love yourself more each day!

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