The Puzzle of Life

The Puzzle of Life

the puzzle of life
Celestial Sea, ‘I float in a Sea of Consciousness, through lights and colors, each playing their own song in an unending Universe.’

The Puzzle of Life is complicated. It’s as though ‘life before’ was a 3-D puzzle, full blown with gears and wheels turning continually. We certainly didn’t make it. But we were trained to live by its rules, fit in, and be a cog in the works.

Then the pandemic hit. The puzzle has fallen to pieces and the step by step guide to reassembling it has disappeared. We’ve each been given our handful of pieces to rebuild ourselves from scratch. It’s unnerving, challenging, and confusing. Where do we start? How do we begin to figure out who we are? What we should do? Much less where we fit in a fallen world.

A year ago, I was planning the strategy, the map, the destinations for a wonderful trip to Santa Fe. It was exciting and turned out to be our best trip there in every way. Now I have to use the same gameplan just to go to the grocery store. And it’s nowhere near as much fun.

Plus everything you try to do has to be done in complete mindfulness. There can be no mistakes made here. Your health, possibly long term, medical bills, and in some cases even your life is on the line here.

In addition, every conscious choice takes time. Being in new territory is a trial and error experiment. A wrong choice for making a living may not work and you have to start all over again.

The Puzzle of Life can be easy

But, the puzzle of life can be easy if you just work on yourself first. Take baby steps as you venture into the water. Use this new Freedom to live the Creative Life of your Dreams. What are your priorities? Is there a way to pay the bills to survive? Do you have the necessities of life? Are you safe? Then how do you spend your time and energy? What makes you happy? Who makes you happy? Get them into your virtual world as much as possible.

For me, being in nature is big. But, to keep my creative life flowing, I’m writing and doing some form of art every day. Doing hands on creativity generates inspiration and ignites the spark of passion.

Don’t wait for the lightening bolt of inspiration to begin! ‘Starting’, paint to canvas, pen to paper, will get the inspiration and creative juices flowing.

Also, both writing and doing art touch intuition deeply, where all the magic lies. It’s entering the Unknown. You become a partner with the Universe, the Magic, the Muse of creativity.

Plus, beginning a painting or a journal entry, when you allow stream of consciousness to happen, will surprise you! You must Trust in yourself and the process completely. Then, ideas come together quickly and brilliantly. Like my painting above, You make Magic!

So get going building a creative life for yourself. Use whatever tools and supplies you have to do the best you can today. But do it!

Over at Pat Gullett Designs you can sign up for Sunday Art Tips, free stuff, and to connect with me. Take care of yourselves. Your piece of the puzzle is needed in the big scheme of life.

Tell me below how you are building Your Perfect Creative Life! Share your story.

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