The Source of All Life

The Source of All Life

the source of all life
Emerald Sea, The Source, Our Mother, La Mer

The Source of all Life has been recognized as the vast Sea, the Mother Ocean, with never ending waves upon the shore, by nearly every ancient civilization. Furthermore, traces of our Earth Mother, Amphitrite, Sedna, Yemaya, Oshun, or Mither are carried in the salt water of our womb and tears.

What are we made of? Are we the stuff of stars, mostly water, with lots of space in between? Does the space hold the energy/spirit, while the body becomes the keeper of memory? When my body throbs or aches, to me, it’s the throwback to some past hurt, and injury long gone. The discomfort is a protection, a reminder, keeping me from doing it again.

I tell it it’s ok. I’ve got this. You can move in ease and flow again. Also, I drink a lot of water to flush out the rough spots and keep all parts moving.

In Truth, water is our biggest necessity in life. Our bodies are up to 60% water. As a result, the Moon and tides affect us strongly. Water aids in our digestion, regulates body temperature, flushes out wastes, and lubricates joints. The Body depends on it in every way.

The Ocean calls to me, especially when summer arrives. This painting, Emerald Sea, had to highlight the Sea, Ocean, Mother of us all, so I gave it its own frame of flow, light, words, and color.

Plus I did something I used to do in all my paintings back in Chicago: I added real objects from nature to augment the art. Shells become part of the frame. They are a tactile reminder to the senses to remember the beaches I have known and loved. Memories of vacations, family, fun, and soothing flow of the sea, tumble into my mind.

The Source of all life is a shapeshifter.

In addition, Water exists as vapor, in the ocean as saltwater, while it flows in rivers, lakes, icecaps and glaciers as fresh water. Trees make their own rain. Transpiration is a part of a trees life as it takes moisture in its roots, gathers on leaves, and evaporates into the atmosphere becoming rain.

Water works its magic daily to enable life to thrive each day. Emerald Sea is my homage to the Mother of us All. Follow your feelings, move your body, and find a passion. These feed our soul in health and spirit.

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