The Stories You Tell

The Stories You Tell

the stories you tell Bear of power strength
Star Bear, bear dreamers get power from the great Bear Spirit, strength, courage, healing, sustenance

The Stories you tell, the words you use, all create your reality. Be aware of the names you call yourself. Also, consciously choose words for what you want to be, have, or know.

I’ve been focusing on ‘healing’ lately. My rotator cuff has a small tear and carpal tunnel is beginning on my left dominant hand. Physical therapy has helped tremendously, until it did some damage.

As I kept saying I’m healing, I kept getting more to heal! Body listens to every word we say, and takes us literally. As a result, even as the shoulder improved, some too heavy weights being lifted overhead at PT, wiped out the wrists and fingers of both hands. Therefore, I had to regain my power.

A Louise Hay book that I’ve had for years, came to mind, ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. There I found a great affirmation that is working, ‘I handle all experiences with wisdom, love, ease, and flow’. As a result, I’m improving beautifully.

Then, Bear appeared in my painting. I remember reading a book, “Giving Voice to Bear”, where bear dreamers learned plant medicine, and power healing from bear guides. Above all, Tribes honored bear for her healing power, knowledge, and cunning. I felt this was good medicine for my energy and body to come into harmony once again. Star Bear became my waking dream to bring good strength back to my hands.

The Stories you tell must not label you.

Never refer to your story with ‘I’. Instead, distance Self from the injured part and say ‘she’ has some issues today. Moreover, she will be much better after a walk outside, or nice luxurious shower, or creating something beautiful.

So the next time you find yourself obsessing over some repetitious story going on in your head, take a step back. That’s not all of you that is wrapped up in the drama of the moment. She’s just a part, an aspect, taking things a bit hard today.

You can turn this around right in this moment. Look for any spirit animal trying to catch your attention. See the beauty in your life right in front of you now. The more you focus on that, the more beauty, ease and flow you will create in your life. Please check out my beautiful website for more inspiration and thoughts,

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