The Way of Life

The Way of Life

the way of life
The Way of life, the inner way into healing my shoulder by resting my left arm, the outer way is doing art to keep moving forward, be happy, creative, feed my soul

The Way of life is how we continue to shift, change, and adapt to life in a fast changing world. My personal journey is in healing my left shoulder and hand which I hurt while doing two large paintings ‘ruthlessly’! That was the word I used at the time. It was following a free online class where many wild techniques were being used. I did them, not realizing I was overextending my arm in too many ways.

Through these last few weeks, 3 big dreams about power animals, helped me cope. The shoulder pain was bad enough to see a specialist and get a cortisone shot. About that time, dream 1 had my wild red fox, who was also a pet apparently, from which I realized I had to adapt like she does. Appear, disappear, be very clever, try new ways to not hurt myself again.

In the second dream, I had to get out of a restaurant where no one had masks! The owner said my ‘horse’ was out back! Apparently I had rode there with two other women. They had already left, taking their horses on a short cut to go home. My big black horse, my power to move forward, took me to the split in the road. Do I take the sandy short cut and trust my horse knew the way? I did! And then back in the studio, I played with wonderful new colors, palette knives and rubber shaper tools to swirl paint in new ways. It looked ok…not bad at all, to my surprise.

The third dream had my wonderful pet Bunskers, our large, Rex rabbit, who blessed our family for 10 wonderful years. She was young, leaping, happy, and makes me smile whenever I think of it. This showed me I’m on the right path.

‘The Way of Life’ is personal and builds confidence.

Then, I painted the above painting,The Way. I was no longer hesitantly working in a sketchbook anymore. This is on 12″ x 12″ canvas board.

Also, no longer afraid of making right handed garbage, I used my right hand confidently, consciously, aware of every stroke. It’s slower, a bit awkward, but it works.

Plus, I’m finding now one week and a day since the shot, I’m able to do more things without pain. Two handed things like putting on earrings, or washing my hair, are easier. My arm lifts a bit higher. Now there’s just an ache in certain positions.

I return for a checkup next week. It’s exciting to feel what each new day brings. My son-in-law asked if I find new shifts since engaging my right hand. Yes! I’m writing poetry in my morning pages! My brain seems to have turned on in new ways.

Over at, I’m in the process of saving my special files, both in the cloud and on an external hard drive. With billions of devices on the internet, you have to take care of yourself. Save your thoughts, your art, your writings, as well as your body, in every way. They are your gift to the world. Head over there to get your FREE 8 strong Art Composition styles. The link is fixed! Make Good Art! Thanks for being here.

2 Responses to The Way of Life

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your personal journey………such the roads we are on these days. Love you and sending you lots of love and light for healing!!

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