The WHY of Life

The WHY of Life


Fear, Risk, Challenge, Worth It?

I’ve been reading these judgement calls lately. People doing things that AREN’T fun, or they don’t even think of how it makes them feel, but do IT because it’s the ‘thing’ to do. It gives validity! It’s the next step that everyone else is doing. I’ll write the book, create the program, get a house, make big money, push my way out into the world, master the new creation, perfect the latest device, then someone comes along and asks about fear and we take a step back.

In this life, if the WHY you are doing anything, from art, to computers, to careers, to education, to how you dress, to what you own, is because deep down you need to ‘Prove Something’, or you need to please someone, or ‘save someone’, you’re missing out on Life! This is ‘neediness’ at the deepest level, and it WILL catch up to you. One day you’ll pause, hopefully not because you’ve put yourself in the hospital, and wonder where the happiness has gone. Where is the joy of play, of life, that most of us felt as kids? What is your WHY? Are you measuring success, confidence, and ability by comparing yourself to everyone else? Time to shift this around.

The all time, best goal ever, the goal to not get you stuck, sick, miserable, lost, is to feel happy every day. The Goal is Not the ‘outcome’ of every choice in life. Make your choices based on “What will make me feel happy today, right now?” Judge nothing, especially not your choices. Make more choices. One leads to the next. Life gets lighter with happiness as your goal, and you’ll always succeed, no matter how it turns out.

“At first, it was a lot of fun, and I improved rapidly. But it quickly became a job- something I was no longer doing for fun, but instead felt I HAD  to do. Within a year, I hated playing tennis”   Mike Dooley

A lesson on learning to put JOY first, he says. More inspired stuff……….




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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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