“The Power of Now”….Eckhart Tolle
What excites me? What ignites my passion? Not listing what worked and what didn’t over 2014. Not fitting into someone else’s dream & squeezing my thoughts in between their framework. No lists, schedules, or yearly plan. I’ve done that before. This has to be something else. I’m ready for ‘Something Else’!
I desire to strengthen my Core: body, mind, and spirit. 2015 is the year of exercising the body daily in some way, shape, or form; also getting into my body often by being aware of all my senses and deepest core feelings (as Danielle LaPorte encourages) in all I do. I choose to Calm the mind from obsessing & trying to change anybody or anything; I accept all on their path, and accept life ‘as is’. Most of all, I choose to live connected to my Inner Self, my Creator Self, in mindfulness, as often as possible. My answers are found in the Journey Within, not outside myself. For me, that’s doing more personal art each day. I ask myself, “where am I in this moment of time? I Am …..”.
I will pay attention to revelations, eureka moments, the deep AHA lightbulb going off over my head, epiphanies of insight that change everything! Now that’s exciting. It’s a personal ‘journey within’ filled with Magical moments. It’s finding my ‘personal best’, and comparing myself to no one. I seek each day to be filled, excited, happy, with an Inner Peace, a Calm Heart. I am the Artist Storyteller of my Life through my dreams, paintings, journaling, and jewelry. I choose inspiration over busyness, fun experiences over planning the future. I live in the Now as fully a possible, and the future takes care of itself. Plus, I know that thoughts become things, as Mike Dooley says, so I’ll really make them Good!
Is this the “Year of YOU”?

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