Time for New Life, New Beginnings

Time for New Life, New Beginnings

Ancient Sacred Imbolc, mid-winter into Spring

Happy Imbolc! An Ancient Holiday of Destiny and Fertility

As the days start to get a little longer, and winter loosens its tight hold on the land, the Celts honored the natural order with major celebrations to move the energy of the Seasons forward. The Great Festival of Imbolc, beginning at sundown of Jan. 31, and continuing into the evening of Feb. 1, celebrates the time of new beginnings and new life to come. This was a family festival, with songs, dances, storytelling, and everyone contributing food and drink to the gathering. No matter what had come before, this would be a break away from the old, to a fresh start filled with optimism, prophecies, and dreams of new destinies for all. Vigils would be held to ask the goddess Brighid for guidance, abundance, and objects of desire for the coming year.

Maybe it’s time for each of us to go into the Dreamtime, and conjure up a new story for our lives. Let’s raise our vibrations and aim for our heart’s desire. All that we want to see in the world begins with each of us. What is most important to you? What can you do to increase this in your life? What connects you to others, and most of all, connects you to yourself?

Emotions are triggered by the words, thoughts, people, and things around us. They usually have lots of drama. Feelings come from a deeper place, and are the personal ‘why’ we do anything. It’s our attitude, joy, & love in all that we do. What you are in the moment draws more of the same to you.

So this Imbolc, I’ll write my new story of adventure, love, abundance, and achievement. I’ll attempt more mindfulness, more being in the moment, and more peace in my heart. And I’ll ask dear goddess Brighid, the Exalted One, to help me see the love, feel my passion, and laugh each day. Oh, and bring more Magic into all of life, please! That’s a life well lived.

Exploring & Dreaming, even if it’s just in pictures….

Happy Chinese New Year!

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