Time vs Eternity

Time vs Eternity

Facing Spirit, Acrylic Painting
Facing Spirit, Acrylic Painting

Seen vs Invisible, Wabi vs Sabi, Manifested vs Inspired. This is Life.

All energies are gathering, forming, uniting in the Invisible Realms, long before we see anything appear right before our very eyes. Our ‘reality’ is the last place, the pause far down the line of creation, the slowest moving segment of the Force, that forms in our world. So that rash on my skin, the pain in my foot, the headache behind the eyes, all began some time ago in the invisible void, the end result of my Beliefs, Resistance, Labels, Past, Guilt, and Opinions along the way. The only way to protect myself for tomorrow, is to live in Mindfulness Today. Everything we think, say, and do, creates the rolling energies that will impact our bodies in the future.

This is Life, to be embraced in all it’s loving, grieving, insightful, painful, confusing aspects, since we had a hand in setting up all of it, as we learn, expand, and grow in this lifetime. The little, doubtful, scared, Human, material end result that is us, seeks to label, seeks to be right while making others wrong, seeks to blame and not take responsibility for life. But that just keeps us stuck, repeating the same issues until we see it with an inner sight, see it within our Heart’s Mind, and make choices to accept it. I know I chose this body with its predisposition towards certain weaknesses, so that I could learn that healing is always an inside job. Some of us come in leaving our beloveds behind, or losing our loved ones way too soon, so that we can learn to stand tall, continue to move forward, and create a full, happy life even with our grief. And healing happens in the midst of our pain, even if the body passes over. Living an inspired life is making choices for what we have set up for ourselves all along…the Path of Dharma.

This is Why living in the moment is such a Personal Thing!! All that you put out ‘there’, is gathering energy, unseen forces, angels, messengers, guides, to bring it all back to you big time. Every random act of kindness, every loving gesture, every compassionate expression will be returned to fill your life with More. You can count on it! So keep learning, growing, teaching all you know, and sharing your life with everyone along the way. It empowers us all.

Wabi Sabi Alchemy extended for all you Binge Artists who want all 20 projects at one time. They will be available for one week, at the same low price of $99, until Apri 3, here: http://www.artisticwaytoenlightenment.com/desktop/. The class will be offered again in the Fall! Happy Easter!


Messenger Gabriel from Wabi Sabi Class
Messenger Gabriel from Wabi Sabi Class

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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