What is An Artist?

What is An Artist?

Lavender Sky with last nights crescent moon, 5 planets, and comet

What is an artist? Someone asked me if I paint every day. No, I really don’t. But I create every day.

As the doors open to the Art & Mentorship Program, I’ll say it offers art with this idea in mind. Art in small bites with inspiration and art stories in between is an easy path to take. The 4th week will be a Live Zoom or Room to catch up with each other.

What is an artist if they aren’t painting every day? They are keepers of ideas, journalists of thoughts, impressions, and experiences. So, seeing as an artist sees is being aware of life around you as inspiration for your art.

Humans have survived by being creative. It’s in our DNA. We’re curious, innovative, and imaginative creatures since birth. As a result, this helps us thrive through all life’s challenges.

Artists live in ebb and flow. Most of us need space between projects to contemplate, intuit, and nourish our inner self.

I saw a beautiful movie about an artist recently. ‘Never Look Away’ is a German film with subtitles about a gifted artist. He sits in front of an empty canvas for days, waiting to be inspired.

Then a news headline triggers a deeply emotional memory from his childhood. He returns to painting where he’s unstoppable. The Art is deeply meaningful to him. That’s the key. As a result, doing art that is personal to you holds a great power. Floodgates open. Viewers feel your energy.

I’m a believer in creating your future. I’ve overcome many obstacles in life, with art as my sanctuary.

Our Art & Mentorship program encourages making personal art in ebb and flow. Each Monday doesn’t always offer an art project. Do art, let contemporary artists inspire you, and then learn stories about the Masters of the past. See how New tools work. Learning is found in many ways.

You are an artist if you create something, with awareness, every day. Making art, seeking it out, writing or shooting a photo of it, all contribute to your whole artistic world. Therefore, applying your creativity to your life today is all that matters. See the world with artist’s eyes.

Would you like some encouragement and inspiration along the way? This isn’t about being BORN with an ability! Art skills can be learned…and practiced. Join us Today at the Dragonfly Art and Mentorship program .

Create Your Future. Develop your personal style, create regularly, and be supported in an art community. The doors are open now.

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