What Sparks Your Curiosity?

What Sparks Your Curiosity?

what sparks your curiosity
Lake Primrose, video of how I did this Mixed Media Painting found in the Dragonfly Art & Mentorship Program, Sign Up today

What sparks your curiosity in the enchanted world of art? Have you ever wanted to be able to draw whatever you see? Or Paint original art? How about becoming an Artist who creates Intuitive art from their soul? Or even an abundant artist selling their work?

Everything begins with a thought, a seed planted deep. But a dream needs more than wishful thinking. This precious wish then must be nourished into creation before it disappears.

I’m looking for curious explorers, seeking to find themselves in art. We begin by setting a path for ourselves. Inspirational vision boards can then enrich our experience. But only the right mindset and actions create true magic. Watching others paint can be soothing to the soul, but making art yourself is what moves you forward to living a creative life.

What sparks your curiosity is your Mindset to loving yourself in every way. Your well being must be a priority. Making time and space for art is huge. You must value your art time.

Plus, allow only those people in your circle of trust, who support you in every way. You can’t change anyone to be the friend or ally you wish them to be.

I’m for encouraging the best in everyone. Be kind and generous, since there’s abundance for all. But when someone is unsupportive of you in their words or actions, for self preservation, you must pull back. This has happened to me twice this last week. I have overlooked them before, wanting these relationships to flourish. But it takes two. I found out by chance. Now it’s my choice. Some things are toxic, hurtful, and drain energy. Step away.

Next comes physical actions. Only by moving in any way you can towards your goal, can the Universe open new doors. Find your loyal people. Create your space. Allow yourself the freedom of art time. Get affordable supplies. Then your purpose will appear as you do art and move in the direction of abundance and fulfillment.

Allow Dragonfly Art & Mentorship Program to be your beacon in a dark world. Balance ‘out there’ with weekly art classes, inspiration, and visionary artists. Let this become your regular easy art lessons done throughout the month. Join us. Sign up on our Wait List and receive Sunday Art Tips, an Art Guide of 7 Tried and True Art Composition Styles, and plenty of art inspiration.

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