White Magic, white rabbit, white unicorn= healing miracles.
White Magic is about going deep, seeking the elusive connection within, sparking illumination that creates miracles in the real world. We all know it happens. It’s magic because we can’t explain it…yet. Words aren’t enough to do justice to a profound inner shift. I believe my body can relieve whatever it has produced. I know I have an internal pharmacy that puts out emotional chemicals. From endorphins & serotonin for peace & healing, to adrenaline & cortisone for fear & anger, my heart is triggering my brain for action. Thoughts & emotions go hand in hand.
“Acting ‘as if’ your beliefs, desires, and lifestyle has already happened, engages the Magic.” Mike Dooley in Manifesting Change.
White Magic is keeping the faith that we are each more than just a little human. Our Essence, our truth, is powerful. We don’t have to understand how it works for magic to happen. A fascinating new book about our inner world of emotions, beliefs, and healing reveals a firsthand experience in that mystical other world. ‘Suggestible You: the Curious Science of Your Brain’s ability to Deceive, Transform, and Heal” by Eric Vance, opens doors to white magic on many levels. An interesting interview with him by Tim Ferris is here.
So as I drink my ‘green machine’, and add more kale and spinach to my big green salad, I head for the healthy place where I move forward confidently to an even stronger, healthy body, mind, and spirit. I see future self traveling, painting, and devouring great books with family & friends. Adding gratitude for what’s right before my eyes today, triggers the Universe to send more my way. This is White Magic at its finest.

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