Whole Body Wisdom-We Have 3 Brains: Head, Heart, Gut
Whole Body Wisdom tells us how we feel far beyond our thinking Self. I love the art done in our New Moon Gatherings. This is Whole Body Wisdom at its finest. First of all, I tell the story of The Goddess at this time. Then, I demo a medium, like oil paint sticks. Everyone is asked to go deep within their feelings about the Season, this moment in time. Then, they take off creating on their own intuitive path. They seek how their heart feels, what their gut is telling them, as well as their mind talk. It becomes a whole body experience, revealing beautiful, original art from their soul.
Whole Body Wisdom is Truth. Furthermore, it touches a deep knowing intuition lying within each of us. For example, Science shows we actually have three brains: head, heart, and gut. Each is a massive independent arrangement with its own nervous systems and transmitting neurons. In addition, they are constantly sending and receiving signals to each other throughout the day. Each interprets information, processes it, refines and stores it in their own unique way. They each learn, adapt, grow and change within seconds. Plus, knowing and integrating these 3 will help us make wise decisions in all we choose to do. What we feel may not be what we think.
Head Brain, Gut Brain
Body Wisdom begins with our Head Brain, which has over 86 billion neurons. Head creates our story, thinking, perception, and recognition. Also, this is what we call our conscious and subconscious mind. Specifically, we create concepts to know ourselves better. Head Brain is the Thinker, the Sage, who gives meaning to things it recognizes. It names our senses, thoughts, dreams and experiences. As a result, it’s our storehouse of memory, rules, shoulds, and logic.
Secondly, Gut Brain, with 100 million neurons, is smaller but super powerful. It produces serotonin, dopamine, and other chemicals, quickly evaluating any situation. He’s the Doer, the Hand, the reacting without thinking, self-preservation Action Hero. Working independently, it sends information to our brain via the Vagus Nerve. For example, fear or butterflies in the stomach, is the ancient Gut Brain seeking survival. As our instinct core identity, Gut knows what is me and what isn’t me. It sends deep knowing to the Head within seconds. Slower Head then creates a thought. Gut sends blood flowing from the gut to muscles in a fight or flight mode. Gut profoundly affects our behavior, anger, excitement, as well as hunger, sleep, exercise, work, and creative time. Together, Head and Gut create our instinctual, most ancient reactions that begin on a chemical level. They form our approach to life and society, good and bad.
Heart Brain Intuition
Finally, we have our Heart Brain. Heart processes deep feelings. She sends messages to the brain with 40 thousand neurons that feel, remember, sense and learn. Heart acts independently of the Head brain, yet they work together with patterns of rhythms. She knows the right decision. When they are in sinc, waves flow smoothly. As a result, we have great mental clarity, strong intuition, and a healthy body. This is healthy Self Love. Not surprisingly, positive emotions like gratitude, love, and compassion, trigger a smoother heartbeat. Heart messages the brain to come into alignment, which affects all bodily functions in every way. This is where deepest intuition lives. For example, ask for guidance or for the best answer to a question, and touch your heart. The answer often comes quickly in first sensations and insights. Also, the right answer feels right, is easy, and simple. Heart knows what you need.
Therefore, Whole Body Wisdom consciously aligns the 3: our logic, our heart’s desire, and our safety net. But it takes practice. More connections go up than down. Heart and Gut are already reacting before Head can think it out. Creating Art in our Journey Classes aligns the 3. We hear tales of the Goddess, connect with rituals and intentions, then create art about our feelings in this moment of time. We nourish our bodies, minds, and souls. Join us, Journey to the Dreamtime, New Moon Gatherings online.

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