Who’s Your Support Team?

Who’s Your Support Team?

The Gathering, 3 rabbits on the road to discovery

Who’s your support team? No matter who we are or where we are, we are only as great as our crew, our team, our pack. This is a Basic Truth of Life in order to live fully with ease and simplicity.

We had a wake-up call this last week with our oil delivery service. With New England weather hovering in the 9-20 degree mark, we have relied on our heating service for the last 10 years to deliver oil on time, on schedule, or we’re in big trouble. Plus, we trusted them!

A notice came 4 days prior saying it would be delivered. But, the new delivery man, even with sunny days and a clean driveway, decided he wouldn’t wade through snow to the the tanks. The Big problem was that he DIDN’T TELL US! No one did.

As we counted on them to do the job with a snowstorm threatening, we began to panic. The two days before the storm were completely overtaken with multiple phone calls, cut off connections, and some lies told to us. We finally reached dispatch after dark, the night before the storm. Bottom line, our regular driver came and filled the empty tank with many apologies.

You must persist to take care of your needs.

Who’s your support team?

Be aware of your grocers, heating/cooling service, electrician, plumber, dentist, Doctors, mail delivery service, and mechanics. How dependable are they when trouble hits? Who will help?

Abby Wambaugh, 2 time gold medal winner in women’s soccer, has written an excellent book just about this truth. ‘Wolfpack: How to come together, unleash our power, and change the game. First, be responsible for your basic needs. Secondly, you must unite with your pack/tribe/crew/team, to live a sustainable life together. Life is a team effort.

In addition, I have a cousin thinking of retiring to Panama. I said these exact things to him. Suddenly, he had so much to consider, but also so necessary for Life. Be better together!

Tell me what you think about your team. Who supports you when the going get tough?

More art & inspiration at www.awegroup.net.

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