Winds of Change

Winds of Change


“Brother Wind”, Pat Gullett

Shifting Gears

As the winds are gusting at 30mph today, I see so many things come and go…with these changes happening faster all the time! DIY Anything, from jewelry making to home composts, done just for the experience, not necessarily to really gain any lifelong expertise, is in vogue for a season or two then slips quickly into the ‘whatever’ of the past. To be flexible and especially resilient in these shifting times, we must keep re-inventing ourselves.

The key to keeping passion going is to continually move with the current of flowing Time, sail down the River of no return, and not get stuck in any one label we choose to call ourselves in the moment. Not following the crowd, but instead going within, to find our path, our next thing that is personally right for us.

I’ve seen so many ‘wisdom paths’ over the year. Some encourage us to sing, to tone, to move, to dance, to spin, to run, all to immerse ourselves bodily to reach a new plateau. Three have worked for me over the years. One is to write down my thoughts first thing in the morning, allowing myself quiet time, before emails, news, talking, or ‘have tos’ take over the day. A second I call an Active meditation, where I let my mind wander in a daydream to other places I love, a beach, a circle of stones, a forest clearing, paying attention to animals, signs, or others along the path. The third is to immerse myself in art with a life focus. Thinking about the next piece I will create, the symbols/animals that I’m drawn to, then making the art, all come together in the deepest creative visualization ever. That’s when the universe takes over, and new possibilities never before dreamed come my way. Magic!

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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