In January, Dave & I decided to stop drinking wine for some months, and I also stopped peanut butter & Greek yogurt since they were my comfort food…couldn’t stop with just a little! Well, I dropped 12 lbs so fast, it scared me! But I felt great. I needed something more now, to tone up. Into my email came info about online weight training, with videos, at an affordable price. The goal was to follow a 12 wk cycle of various exercises, three times a week. There were only about 4 that I couldn’t do. The amazing thing was, I lost 3 1/2 ” in my waist within 2wks! I did the 12wks and now they are a part of my life, building a stronger, slimmer body. I went down to a size 4! Don’t be afraid to try new things. It can change your life!
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