Taste of the Winter Solstice Project
“No matter what happens with your level of success, you still have to deal with all the baggage that is yourself.” Lena Dunham
“All the pictures & good thoughts won’t break through you psyche until you KNOW, without a doubt, that you are WORTHY, DESERVING, ENTITLED to love, freedom, affluence, spaciousness, and expansiveness. A Human Spirit of incredible necessity to all, you are a unique part of humanity.” Winter Solstice Project
You can see it in the Royals! They become responsible, successful, and a huge part of the world order (for many of them, anyway), with the confidence that entitlement brings. It’s a frame of mind. I’ve also seen it in very successful, but unassuming artists, corporate leaders, and teachers. They have their path, and they know they belong right where they find themselves. They give 110% because they are passionate about life, love, and experience.
All that you think or dream, becomes your day to day life. So make them good! Registrations for the Winter’s Solstice Project is open this week. Class begins on Dec. 1. Join us to discover your path, your Joy, your deepest Heart’s Desire feelings. More here:
I love Danielle Laporte’s inspiration. Check her out here:
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