Your Artistic Style is Your Unique Art Signature
Your Artistic Style puts you into Flow. Furthermore, it’s your perfect timeless place to create and lose yourself. Creating in your personal style and technique comes easily, is fun and flows like soft waves on a beach.
Your Style consists of a combination of many things. Also, like facets in a jewel, they all come together to make the perfect mind/body/spirit experience.
First of all, Your Artistic Style begins with the tangibles: mark making, color, composition, movement, subject matter, shape and form. Your mark shows your speed, fast or deliberately slow, as well as strong, thick or thin line quality. Also, when you know the basics, you create movement, center of interest and contrast within each piece. Doing Art is absolutely a learned skill. These choices make up your Style.
Next to consider is choice of media and how you use it. For example, my Bear above shows texture. Mixed media of oil pastels, acrylic, and gouache layer to create interest and hidden images. In contrast, the Moon Bear below is all dynamic color, movement and symbols. The center of interest in both are the expressive eyes. Your Style evolves as you evolve.
Your Artistic Style takes time to discover. Moreover, a developing artist knows that exploring media and taking risks are all part of the journey. Your style is everything. Above all, it’s the composite of you and your experiences in the Present Time. Therefore, Today, join Dragonfly Art Club to easily fit Studio Time into your schedule. Learn to play again.
Meanwhile, the new Dragonfly Art Studio Membership is being created. Here we’ll go deeper with a clear success path to discovering Your Style and Technique. Membership gives Clarity, Direction, and Focus to creating unique art, meaningful to you. Plus with tools, resources, and a community, you’ll progress faster than you would working alone. We are all better together. In a group, there’s a wealth of information to be shared. I’m excited to move forward with you all.

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