Your Life Story

Your Life Story

your life story in art
Nahhash: Keep of the Memories of Time

Your Life Story In Art

Your Life Story is your visual record of all you do. Plus, an art image is full, complex, and understood quickly. The brain grasps all the patterns, symbols, and images far quicker than deciphering words. Art holds a multitude of information that opens the senses to new connections.

Your Life Story in Art develops your intuition and flexible thinking. Intuition starts with one image, and that leads to several more as you create. Moreover, each creation invites deep related feelings and memories to surface. The mind thinks in pictures, colors, and relationships to manifest your own personal journey.

Your Life Story is creating art from your soul. In addition, Soul art reveals the light shining within each person. So creating art as story puts you in the moment of Now. The art connects past thoughts to present inspiration in new, amazing ways. Powerful Work!

My Story

My Nahhash painting started with an interesting passage from the book ‘The Cipher of Genesis’. Carlos Suares states the Serpent is the most ancient carrier of all the forgotten wisdom. In this account, Nahhash is to give the record of the totality of time to Adam and Eve so that they can be wholly incarnate.

First of all, I did sketches of my brother’s pet boa, Snideley. Then, as I was drawing the snake, I knew that my snake’s wisdom must birth from the most spiritual flower of all, the lotus. Specifically, the lotus sinks into the mud each night, to rise again pure, new, and refreshed in the morning. Also, Time is shown as the passage of moons overhead. One image led to another with smart dolphins, spirits of butterflies and hummingbirds, and a dragon over all. Finally, I would always add a piece from the Earth, like the decorated feather stick and turquoise beads tied on.

At the time, I wondered how this would be received at an art exhibit. Surprisingly, it won the People’s Choice award! These symbols are ancient and hit our psyche profoundly. Furthermore, my story today would be totally different than Nahhash. Each visual story is a record of your place in the Universe, at that time in your life. That is their artistic, unique, personal merit. How would your story look, feel, and be today? Have Power Animals entered your life lately? What are you feeling, thinking, and being now? Follow me on Instagram to see my latest ‘story’ paintings and inspiration today!

Your life story madonna alchemy
Alchemy Madonna, Prints, That’s another story!
Your Life Story forest
New Moon Magic Prints

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